Visit Downtown Denver Dental to complete your smile and restore the full function of your mouth with our Glendale, CO dental implants. With our services, you can:
- Get back to appreciating all the delicious foods you enjoy
- Feel like a new person with a beautiful, revitalized smile
- Have assurance that your brand-new teeth will stay in your mouth
Losing your teeth is a substantial and impactful dental problem. It’s not just about how it makes you look. It also affects your oral health, your nutrition, your emotional well-being, and your quality of life.
You may lose confidence in your appearance when you’ve lost teeth. That is just the beginning of the life-changing effects of tooth loss, however. When a tooth is gone, so is its root, which means your jawbone in that area does not have a way to stay engaged, strong, and healthy. As time passes, the bone will continue to deteriorate, leaving you with fewer options for realistic, long-lasting replacement teeth.
That’s why our dental implant services are so remarkable at Downtown Denver Dental! We’re able to supply a variety of choices to fit your objectives and needs, no matter how many teeth you’ve lost or what your current dental health may be. We provide:
- Implant-Supported Crowns – After placing your implant, your mouth will need time to heal. Then, we can attach a dental crown to restore your tooth.
- Implant-Supported Bridges – To fill in a gap where you have missing teeth, we can anchor a dental bridge to at least two implants.
- Implant-Retained Dentures – These dentures snap into place, and they stay secure until you remove them.
- Implant-Supported Dentures – These dentures transfer biting and chewing forces directly to your jawbone, just like healthy natural teeth.
- Mini Dental Implants – These can be used where standard implants do not fit or where bone is lacking to support full-sized implants. Mini implants can save you the time and expense of getting a bone graft.
It is possible to eat foods you like, feel fantastic about how you look, have peace about your oral and overall health, and improve your quality of life when you trust our staff to replace your missing teeth! Call us today at 303-529-6493 or to plan a consultation for Glendale, CO dental implants with one of our doctors at Downtown Denver Dental.